博士生周栋在国际期刊IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters上发表论文


近期,实验室博士生周栋为第一作者,实验室孙光辉教授作为通讯作者的论文“On Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning for Active Visual Tracking of Space Noncooperative Objects”已被机器人领域权威期刊IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters录用。



Active tracking of space noncooperative object that merely relies on vision camera is greatly significant for autonomous rendezvous and debris removal. Considering its Partial Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) property, this paper proposes a novel tracker based on deep recurrent reinforcement learning, named as RAMAVT which drives the chasing spacecraft to follow arbitrary space noncooperative object with high-frequency and near-optimal velocity control commands. To further improve the active tracking performance, we introduce Multi-Head Attention (MHA) module and Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) layer into RAMAVT, which remarkably improve the representative ability of neural network with almost no extra computational cost. Extensive experiments and ablation study implemented on SNCOAT benchmark show the effectiveness and robustness of our method compared with other state-of-the-art algorithm. The source codes are available on https://github.com/Dongzhou-1996/RAMAVT.