博士生熊永阳在国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing上发表论文


近期,实验室博士生熊永阳作为第一作者、导师吴立刚教授作为通讯作者的论文“Distributed Online Optimization in Time-Varying Unbalanced Networkswithout Explicit Subgradients”被国际权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing录用。



This paper studies a distributed online constrained optimization problem over time-varying unbalanced digraphs without explicit subgradients. In sharp contrast to the existing algorithms, we design a novel consensus-based distributed online algorithm with a local randomized zeroth-order oracle and then rescale the oracle by constructing row-stochastic matrices, which aims to address the unbalancedness of time-varying digraphs. Under mild conditions, the average dynamic regret over a time horizon is shown to asymptotically converge at a sublinear rate provided that the accumulated variation grows sublinearly with a specific order. Moreover, the counterpart of the proposed algorithm when subgradients are available is also provided, along with its dynamic regret bound, which reflects that the convergence of our algorithm is essentially not affected by the zeroth-order oracle. Simulations on distributed targets tracking problem and dynamic sparse signal recovery problem in sensor networks are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.