博士生胡仲瑞在国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers上发表论文


近期,实验室博士生胡仲瑞作为第一作者,导师吴立刚教授作为通讯作者的论文“Polytopic Event-Triggered Robust Model Predictive Control for Constrained Linear Systems”已被国际权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers录用。



This paper studies the event-triggered robust model predictive control (MPC) problem for constrained linear systems subject to bounded disturbances. For control computations, explicit MPC reduces online optimizations to simple function evaluations, thus is suitable for resource constrained systems. We propose an event-triggering mechanism (ETM) for an explicit robust model predictive controller such that function evaluations are not needed at every time instant and the ETM itself requires comparably less online computations. In the proposed ETM, we design a contracting polytopic trigger set with respect to system constraints and the explicit robust control law. The resulting event-triggered control scheme ensures robust constraint satisfac- tion and robust stability for the closed-loop system while avoiding the Zeno-like behavior. Simulation results illustrate the validity of the event-triggered robust control scheme.