近期,实验室教师姚蔚然作为第一作者的论文“Trajectory Consensus for Coordination of Multiple Curvature-Bounded Vehicles”已发表在控制领域权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics上。
This article addresses the trajectory consensus problem of coordinating the trajectories of vehicles at multiple future time points. The objective is the consensus of the geometry of the vehicles’ planned trajectories. The geometric feature of trajectories is parameterized by a set of trajectory states defined as required lengths along the trajectory to reduce the distance to its ending point to specific values. To solve this special consensus problem involving coupled state variables, the conventional consensus model is extended by attaching it to a mapping from the state variables to the trajectory’s geometry. This mapping is established using a homotopic structure that creates a compact and efficient form for the mapping. The geometry of the homotopic structure is based on the shapes of its envelopes, and the elements in the structure are derived from their deformation. Through a homotopic search in the structure, an asymptotic consensus of trajectory states is achieved. Simulation results show the proposed coupled state consensus method can achieve better performance on the consensus of multiple vehicles than the conventional isolated state consensus method.