【国际学者云课堂】西班牙塞维利亚大学IEEE Fellow, Jose I. Leon教授讲座


应实验室邀请,西班牙塞维利亚大学Jose I. Leon教授于10月8日(周六)举行“国际学者云课堂”线上学术讲座,题目为“Enhanced Performance of Power Converters via Applying Variable Carrier Phase-Displacement Angle Modulation Methods”, 欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

讲座地点:腾讯会议ID 815-341-861(入会密码0810)
报告题目:Enhanced Performance of Power Converters via Applying Variable Carrier Phase-Displacement Angle Modulation Methods

Reliability, fault tolerant capability, efficiency, power density and power quality are among the restrictive requirements for nowadays power electronic converters. Industry and academia are focusing their efforts on developing new solutions to fulfill these restrictions overcoming the current challenges of the energy scenario. In this talk, a new way to operate the power converters will be addressed based on applying a variable carrier phase-displacement PWM methods. This modulation method permits to address the specific requirements of different power applications such as solar PV, motor drives with superior power quality and enhanced power devices lifetime. During the talk, the variable carrier phase-displacement angle PWM method will be presented and its use in different power converter topologies and applications will be also addressed.

Prof. Jose I. Leon was born in Cadiz, Spain. He received the B.S., M.S., and ´Ph.D. degrees in telecommunications engineering from the Universidad de Sevilla (US), Seville, Spain, in 1999, 2001, and 2006 respectively. He is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad de Sevilla, since 2006. His research interests include modulation and control of power converters for high-power applications and renewable energy systems. Prof. Leon received (as a coauthor) the 2008 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, the 2012 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, and the 2015 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. He was the recipient of the 2014 IEEE J. David Irwin Industrial Electronics Society Early Career Award, the 2017 IEEE Bimal K. Bose Energy Systems Award, and the 2017 Manuel Losada Villasante Award for excellence in research and innovation. In 2017, he was elevated to the IEEE fellow grade with the following citation for contributions to high-power electronic converters.