先进的移动机器人和自主智能系统是目前航空航天、科学探索、安全防控、灾难救援等领域的关键技术。面向移动机器人和自主智能系统的前沿领域,实验室在国际期刊Applied Sciences主办特刊 'Mobile Robotics and Autonomous Intelligent Systems',将重点发表移动机器人、自主智能系统,及其感知、决策、任务规划和控制等关键技术的创新性工作。特刊投稿的截止时间为2023年4月20日,欢迎赐稿综述和原创研究文章。
Advanced mobile robotics and autonomous intelligent systems are now key technologies in aerospace, scientific exploration, security, disaster relief, etc. This Special Issue will present the latest trends in automation technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence and discuss the present advances and challenges in mobile robotic systems and intelligent systems. We are seeking innovative research on perception, decision making, task planning, and control. The deadline for manuscript submission is 20 April 2023. Review and original research articles are welcome.
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/mobile_robotic
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