刘健行在国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics上发表论文


近期,实验室刘健行教授作为第一作者,实验室吴立刚教授作为通讯作者的论文“Sliding Mode Control of Grid-Connected NPC Converters Via High-Gain Observer”发表在工业电子领域权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics上。



In this paper, a nonlinear high-gain observer (NHGO) based second-order sliding mode (SOSM) control strategy is proposed for the three-phase three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter. This controller applies the advanced SOSM algorithm both in the voltage regulation loop and in power tracking loop, which provides a fast dynamic for the dc-link voltage, and also assures a good steady state behavior for the NPC converter. Additionally, a NHGO technique is implemented in the voltage regulator combining with the SOSM algorithm. The conventional observer-based controllers suffer from the destructive effects of measurement noise, and it can only be addressed by diminishing the observer gain, which sacrifices the observer property. The NHGO technique adopts a time varying gain, that is, high gain in transient while low gain in steady state, which minimizes the adverse influence of measurement noise. The tuning method of the proposed NHGO-based SOSM controller is given to simplify the implementation process. Finally, the simulation and experimental results of the proposed control scheme for the NPC converter are given and compared with the conventional PI controller as well as the well-known linear extended state observer-based control method, which validates the feasibility and superiority of the proposed controller.