博士生殷允飞在国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers上发表论文


近期,实验室博士生殷允飞作为第一作者,导师吴立刚教授作为通讯作者的论文“Advanced Control Strategies for DC-DC Buck Converters with Parametric Uncertainties via Experimental Evaluation”已发表在电路与系统领域国际权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers上。

该论文针对DC-DC Buck变换器,分别建立了Buck变换器的标称系统模型和不确定性系统模型。基于变换器的标称系统模型,利用自适应和反推控制方法,设计了单环自适应控制策略;利用自适应和滑模控制方法,设计了双环自适应控制策略。基于变换器的不确定性系统,利用扰动观测器技术和反推控制方法,设计了基于扰动观测器的单环控制策略;利用扰动观测器技术和滑模控制方法,设计了基于扰动观测器的双环控制策略。最后通过实验对比分析了四种控制方法的优劣。


In this paper, four control strategies for DC-DC buck converters are proposed, compared and analyzed: a single-loop adaptive control strategy (SA), a double-loop adaptive control strategy (DA), a single-loop disturbance observer-based control strategy (SDOB) and a double-loop disturbance observer-based control strategy (DDOB). First, the nominal system without considering the parametric uncertainties of the DC-DC buck converter is built to help develop the SA and DA. The SA is built by adaptive and backstepping control approaches, and the DA is set up by adaptive and sliding mode control approaches. Additionally, a model considering parametric uncertainties is introduced, giving the opportunity to develop the SDOB and DDOB. The SDOB is developed using a designed disturbance observer and backstepping control technique, and the DDOB is synthesized using a designed disturbance observer and sliding mode control method. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the four proposed control strategies are compared and analyzed through experiments.