罗文晟在国际期刊IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine上发表论文


近期,实验室教师罗文晟作为第一作者的论文“Utility-Scale Energy Storage Systems”已被工业信息领域权威期刊IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine录用,预计将于2021年6月见刊。



Conventional utility grids with power stations generate electricity only when needed, and the power is to be consumed instantly. This paradigm has drawbacks, including delayed demand response, massive energy waste, weak system controllability and resilience. Energy storage systems (ESSs) are effective tools to solve these problems, and they play an essential role in the development of the smart and green grid. This article discusses ESSs applied in utility grids. First, block diagrams of connecting different types of ESSs to the grid are presented. Then, various ESS services for the utility grid are illustrated. Finally, future trends and challenges are addressed.